During the Japanese occupation, some people were placed in prisoners where treated equally , whatever their race or caste was , nobody was too great . All the prisoners were given the same amount of respect , they all had to shower together with rags and very little water . They had to be fast in whatever they did . Because of these conditions , prisoners got ill ,sick and died very fast .
Women were also treated badly , they had to do forced labour . Many Japanese schools were opened . They had many strict rules , like : they had to bow to any guard who came by , if not they were beaten badly . They had to appreciate the Japanese culture by bowing in the direction of the king's palace and sing the national anthem and to give a bit more of flavour to the culture they had weekly Concerts .
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Private-school students to get more help - Google news !
I always thought both Singaporean and foreign students had disputes with the private schools they were studying in , but not any more , now they can soon get help to resolve disputes with the private schools they are studying in, without going to court . Nowadays more Singaporean students , want to move from government schools to private schools , because of the different cultures and people ! Because of the disputes parents didn't want their children to study in private schools . Since everything is back to normal , parents are moving their kids to private schools now .
Source : http://news.asiaone.com/News/Education/Story/A1Story20100423-211982.html
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Iceland closes airports for first time due to volcanic ash cloud - Google news

Its sad , that Iceland will close two airports on Friday for the first time, a week after ash from an Icelandic volcano forced the shutdown of airspace over much of Europe and stranded thousands of passengers around the world . Many people were held back from traveling to Europe .Even though the ash cloud originated in Iceland, the country's airports have been spared from closure until now. Strong northwest winds had been blowing ash from the volcano, in the south of Iceland, out to sea and over Europe.The good news is that the winds have died down,but the cloud is still lingering around Iceland . I hope everything goes back to normal , but until then people have to be re-routed through the Akureyri airport . As it is at its peak, the crisis affected 1.2 million passengers a day and 29 percent of all global aviation !
source : http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/europe/04/22/iceland.airport.closures/
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Describe a childhood Christmas.(Imagination Prompt Generator)
All this started one day before Christmas ! My dad was out and my mom shopping for presents and a Christmas tree , my brother building a robot in his room .I was board and it was snowing outside so I didn't want to play outside ! So, I sat in the house and thought what I could do ! After a while I took out my old decoration stuff and started to use sticky tape & started to stick the ribbons around the house . By the time I was done my mom was back ! You , should have looked at her , she was so surprised , At once she came and hugged me. Because of all the jumping , my brother came down to take a look what was happening ! So back to the story , my mom started to put up the Christmas tree and my brother and me started to decorate it! Around 6 in the evening my dad came home with a big bag and wouldn't show me what was in it !
The next morning in my excitement I got up early and got ready to go outside ! By 2 my dad left the house , telling us that he had a meeting ! We went to the club house and had a little party before Santa came to give us gifts !
After a while Santa had given all the kids the gifts ! Just then I noticed Santa's voice , it just sounded like my dad ! Immediately I ran and hugged him before he got up ! My mom pushed my brother to get into the photo! I still have the photo hanging on my wall! This is my most greatest Christmas ever !
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Dialogue Writing
1. Sam (8 years old) is watching the pump attendant fill petrol into his father's car from the rear window. Write a dialogue for a conversation between the boy and pump attendant.
Sam : May I ask what are you doing ?
Pump attendant : I am filling petrol in your fathers car , Sir !
Sam : How much longer will it take ?
Pump attendant : A few more minutes , sir !
Sam : Why do we need so much petrol in my dad's car ?
Pump attendant : It is not much sir, it is taking very long to pump out !
Sam : Do you work here ?
Pump attendant :Yes I do !
Sam : Why do you work here ? And not in a bank or something ?
Pump attendant : Sorry sir I can't answer that question !
Sam : Ooo.. , I am sorry ! Do you know where my dad works ?
Pump attendant : No sir I don't !
Sam : I'll give you a clue ?
Pump attendant : No sir its OK !
Sam: OK then , may I ask why the people in the store don't help ?
Pump attendant : Ooo.. they do something else !
Sam : What do they do ?
Pump attendant : They sell goods !
Sam : Anyway thanks for the information ! I have to go now, bye !
Pump attendant : Bye see you again ! Thanks for coming !
by . Anjana Sharma
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Exercise 2 (my reflections)
I have learned that during wars all forms of life are in danger . In the case of Bruno even though he was German, he lived a unpeaceful life . The German were very cruel to the Jewish and took advantage of their weakness !
If I were German I would not treat the Jewish like how they were treated .Lets look at Anne Frank a Jew , at first she lived a great life . But from the time the German started to rule the Jewish , Anne's life was in danger . Now we can see how much the Jewish had to go through ,because of one man ! Even though Anne and Bruno were supposed to be enemies , they both died the same way !This a very sad event for me & since all the damage is done , all we can hope is for a better future !
Thank-you !
Around 168 words
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Exercise 1 (How to begin a journal ! )
I am bored because my parents are out and I have to do my homework ! I rather play than do my homework ! In my boredom I am feeling sleepy because I woke up at 5 this morning . Since I haven't finished my homework I am restless !
That's all !
Sunday, March 28, 2010
My Most Memorable Experience !
Two years ago my brother joined army and I was rather sad because he wasn't there to play , bully(sometimes) and help me with my work !
In my sadness I didn't realize that a month had passed . So, one day I came back from school ,my dad asked me to sit beside him and asked me a question," Would you mind if we move to Singapore ,where your brother lives ?" . I was so happy I jumped in joy & screamed "Yes I do !" . So, a month later I was ready to come to Singapore ! While I was on the flight I looked out of the window and , I could see a tiny city disappearing from the land under .I did miss Boston , but I wanted to see a new part of the world ! In around 20h I arrived in Singapore. In excitement I just forgot about my brother ! After a while my excitement calmed down and best of all I remembered and gave my brother a hug !
Around 160 words .
Monday, March 15, 2010
Strong earthquake rattles buildings around Japan- Google News
The recent earthquake in eastern Japan, spared the people of a lot of damages and causality. Although it was 6.6 on the Richter Scale, there were no damages. It is remarkable as to how the people of Japan have developed early warning Systems to predict earthquakes. Their buildings are earthquake proof and have helped save lives.This time they were spared as against 1995 when the Kobe earthquake at 7.2 on the Richter killed 6400 people.
Source : http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5iTh72t5VXaM4PvgwHgQbIgqEQUmQD9EEDDFO0
Beware pickpockets at opening- Google News
Ever since I was a child, I always felt that Singapore was a safe place to live in. The warning of "Beware of Pickpockets" at the inauguration of Universal studios came as a rude shock to me. I am unable to understand as to how law and order has become a problem in my country. With the new resorts in Singapore are we opening our society to crime? I wish that severe punishments will be given to offenders to discourage such acts. I pray for a safe Singapore.
Source : http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_502308.html
Fewer relocating pet owners move animals - Google News
I am shocked to hear that many people are abandoning their pets in Singapore due to the economic downturn. Pets are creatures with feelings and serve their owners well. They offer company, deep affection and relaxation to their masters. By abandoning, these owners have behaved in a very selfish manner. When an animal gives it's very best to keep it's masters happy, leaving them behind in Singapore as orphans is a very great sin. Singapore Government must pass a law that owners who move must take their pets along with them to their new homes wherever it may be. Anyone abandoning pets must be punished. My prayers are with these dear pets.
Source : http://news.asiaone.com/News/AsiaOne%2BNews/Singapore/Story/A1Story20100315-204615.html
Baby elephant shuffles along path to recovery- Google News
Elephants breeding in captivity helps to keep the population up. It is really nice that the Taronga Zoo in Australia is trying to breed Asian Elephants. The birth of the calf in a near dead condition was initially shocking to hear. I am so glad to note that "Mr. Shuffle" as they affectionately call the baby elephant has recovered and has a good chance of survival. I pray for his continued well being. I hope he grows up to be a strong Elephant like his mother. I congratulate the Zoo Keepers and the Veterinarians for their good work. I do wish someday Mr. Shuffle will be returned to his habitat in the wild.
Source : http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/03/12/2843988.htm
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
All about me !
Hey i am Anjana !
My hobbies are: blogging , painting , sketching ,camping, reading & playing quiz games !
I like camping , hiking ,and eating marshmallows in the forests !
I hate cleaning my room and doing chores !
Once i went hiking and by surprise i met my cousins ,so we had a joint family camp that week !
Camping is fun you should try it !
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